Chasing your dreams can be pretty costly, especially in the entertainment business where having a professional video production and or photography is the key to all entertainment doors. Actors need a 3 min sizzle reel, Comedians need a skit reel, Models need professional head shots, but with video and photography prices ranging in the upper thousands, and with no financial backing, your dreams can quickly fizzle out. 456 Productions Film and Theater Workshop is the solution by offering pre-paid video and photography service to help keep your dreams alive.
Film and Theater Workshop
Pre-paid Concept.
456 PRODUCTIONS FILM AND THEATER WORKSHOP is a Pre-paid video and photography service designed to promote talent thats on a strict budget. e.i Comedians, Actors, Musicians, Directors, Talent Agents and more.
Members of the 456 Film and Workshop will be provided with top-notch promotion via a professional website that will include the members personal bio, professional photos and HD videos, “Gig Alerts” informing members possible entertainment Gigs in the surrounding areas.
Exclusively for 456 workshop members! Members can have any project they need filmed and edited for up to 60 minutes. This Includes Music Videos, Sizzle Reels, Stand up comedy bit, pilots, web-show or whatever visual you need to help promote you and your business. 456 Productions is here for you.
Exclusively for 456 workshop members! Members also have the opportunity to star in one of the many projects 456 Production’s team produces (Movies, Documentaries, Music Videos and more) to further gain experience, exposer and add on to the members resume. ​
*Film And Theater talent Consulting will be available.
*Access to our In-House voice over expert.
*Access to In-House Music Producer.
*Member’s community blog to talk/discuss Film and Theater.
*Members have the opportunity to write and direct their projects.
*Members have the opportunity to sell their projects & promotional items in our 456 website store.